How to Become a Quantity Surveyor

How to Become a Quantity Surveyor?

Last updated on January 9th, 2023 at 04:42 pm

A quantity surveyor is a person who works in the construction industry and helps make sure that estimates for projects’ costs and timelines are accurate. With their experience in surveying, mapping, and estimating, they can give planners and designers important information that will help them decide on the size, layout, and cost of a construction project.

Even though they usually work on bigger projects like bridges and highways, their skills can be used on any kind of building job. In fact, many quantity surveyors begin their careers with smaller jobs before moving up through the ranks.

The importance of quality control when constructing large scale projects cannot be overstated. Failure to meet budget or timeline goals can have serious consequences for both the contractor and the client – even leading to lawsuits.

Becoming a quantity surveyor is a highly sought-after career choice in the construction industry. There are many steps that need to be taken in order to become a quantity surveyor, but with hard work and perseverance, anyone can achieve their dream. 

Education and qualifications

Minimum educational requirements:

Minimum educational requirements for becoming a quantity surveyor vary by state, but usually include a bachelor’s degree in surveying or a related field. Many states also require a license, and some employers may want to hire people who have a degree from a recognized school.

Quantitative methods courses are often included in the curriculum of surveying colleges, and many professionals also take coursework in engineering acoustics and machine learning.

A good way to learn more about the quantitative methods used in surveying is to take classes offered by surveying organizations or professional societies. After completing the required schooling and qualifying exams, aspiring surveyors can start their careers by working as interns or apprentices under experienced professionals.

Professional qualifications and accreditations:

In order to become a quantity surveyor, you will need a bachelor’s degree in engineering or construction and at least two years of experience in the field. You will also have to pass the Professional Qualifications Examination (PQE).

The National Society of Professional Engineers is in charge of giving this test. Once you’ve met all of these requirements, you can apply for professional accreditation through the National Council on Accreditation for Engineering and Surveying (NCAES).

Continuing education and professional development:

Quantity surveyors should participate in continuing education programs to keep up with industry changes and improve their skills. There are many different types of continuing education courses available, from online courses to weekend workshops.

Some professionals also take part in self-improvement programs, like learning how to use new software or figuring out how much something will cost. Quantity surveyors can keep up with changes in their field and improve their skills by taking part in continuing education and professional development.

Skills and knowledge

Technical skills in construction, engineering, and project management:

The construction industry is a booming business, and with good reason. Quantity surveyors need to have a lot of technical know-how, but it’s not impossible to become one with the right training and experience. Here are some of the essential technical skills you’ll need to hone:

Layout drawings: surveyors use layout drawings to plan out projects before beginning construction. These drawings show measurements and details of the project area, including distances between buildings, types of materials used, and other important information.

Construction estimating: It is the process of predicting how much it will cost to build a specific project. Estimators need to know about building materials and building techniques, and they also need to be good at math, in order to make accurate estimates.

Project management: Project management is a process that helps manage projects and resources so they are executed in an effective, efficient, and profitable way. To be a good project manager, you need a number of skills, such as strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as good coordination and communication skills.

Knowledge of relevant construction laws and regulations:

Quantity surveying can be a rewarding and well-paying career, but you need to know a lot about construction law and regulations. In order to be successful in this field, you need to have good math skills, knowledge of construction methods and materials, and experience conducting surveys.

Additionally, it is important to be proficient in writing reports and taking measurements. Finally, you must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Financial management and cost estimation skills:

A degree or certification in financial management will give you the skills you need to do well. Also, if you are good at estimating costs, you will be able to find out what the project might cost and keep track of your progress as the project goes on.

A successful quantity surveyor needs to be able to talk to clients and team members about projects in a clear way. By acquiring these skills, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful member of the field.

Work experience

Entry-level positions and internships:

Internships are an excellent way to get your foot in the door of an engineering career. Entry-level engineering jobs usually require at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering, but many employers also like to hire interns who have already done an internship. There are many internships available, and they can be found at both large and small companies. Here are some tips on finding an internship:

1. Browse job postings online or through career centers at universities.

2. Ask friends, family, and alumni contacts if they know of any internships that would be a good fit for you.

3. Attend job fairs and meet with hiring managers face-to-face.

4. Network with people who work in the industry you want to pursue before applying for internships.

5. List the companies and recruiters you want to contact, then follow up with them.

6. Find out if the company has a website where you can apply for internships.

Gaining practical experience through on-the-job training:

If you want to become a quantity surveyor, the best way to do so is through on-the-job training (OJT). This type of training provides you with practical experience in the field, and can help you develop skills that will be valuable when you begin your career.

There are a number of organizations that offer OJT programs, and most require that you have a degree in engineering or another related field. You can also find OJT programs online.

Before starting your training, make sure that you have a clear idea of what quantity surveying is all about. Go online and read some articles or watch videos on the subject.

This will help you understand what skills and knowledge are required for this profession. Once you have decided which organization to pursue your OJT with, find out as much as possible about their program.

The role of mentorship in career development:

Mentorship is a valuable way to develop a career in surveying. A mentor can provide guidance and support as you progress through your professional journey. They can also provide tips and resources that will help you grow as a surveyor. Here are some tips for finding the right mentor:

1. Look for someone with similar experience or expertise to your own. A mentor who is significantly ahead of you in your career path may not be able to offer the level of support you need.

2. Ask around, especially within your professional network. There are likely other surveyors who would be interested in helping you develop your career.

3. Be proactive about seeking out advice from mentors. Make an appointment to chat with them about your career goals and how they can help you reach them.

4. Be flexible. A mentor may not be able to help you right away. Just because you meet with a mentor once doesn’t mean they’ll always be available. 

5. Ask for feedback. Your mentor may have some ideas about your progress and how they can continue to support you to get there.

Finding a job as a quantity surveyor

Job search resources for quantity surveyors:

You need a degree in engineering or a related field and experience doing surveys to become a quantity surveyor. You can use a lot of different tools to find a job, such as career centers, online resources, and trade associations. You can also network with colleagues and other professionals in your field.

Once you have compiled a strong resume and cover letter, you can start applying for jobs. The steps may take some time, but if you are patient and keep going, you can become a quantity surveyor.

Applying for jobs and preparing for interviews:

You’ll need to research the company you’re interested in and find out their requirements. You’ll also want to create a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and experience. Prepare for interviews by practicing your answers to common interview questions.

Tips for standing out in the job market:

If you’re looking for a career change, becoming a quantity surveyor may be a good option. Here are some tips to help you stand out in the job market:

footsteps, and help each other along the way.

Common challenges faced by quantity surveyors

Every day, a quantity surveyor has to deal with a number of problems that are common to the job. Quantity surveyors face many of these problems because they work in an industry that is always changing. Some common challenges faced by quantity surveyors include the following:

1) Reading and interpreting construction documents.

2) Understanding building systems and how they work.

3) Using math in order to solve problems.

4) Keeping up with industry changes.

5) Meeting tight deadlines.

6) Working with teams of other professionals.

7) Maintaining a high level of professionalism and ethics.

Bottom Line

Becoming a quantity surveyor is an exciting and rewarding career choice. With a degree in surveying, you’ll be able to help manage construction projects, make sure they meet building standards, and make improvements where needed.

If you’re interested in working in this field, the main points in this article are a good place to start. For more help, talk to the career center at your local college or university or search the Internet for information about this job.